Meet Top Tech Talent.
From our Algorithms to You.

Find your next permanent hire

At Decide, we are disrupting the recruiting and staffing space by:

  • Using the latest AI technology to match jobs to job seekers
  • Taking advantage of our database of over 700,000 IT and Software people
  • Leveraging our proprietary recruiting platform to expedite and improve the hiring process
  • Always asking ‘How can this be done better?’

How Decide Direct Works

• Submit Your Job

Start by filling out the information on the right. We will help you upload your job description. Our Machine Learning algorithms will start the candidate search from our database of over 700K IT and software professionals.

• We Search

Our algorithms go through our 700,000 candidates and rank them based on skills and job matching. We can provide you with 5 or 50 candidates. We sell them on your job and get them interested.

• Pick Who You Like

Decide who you want to interview. Reach out to candidates yourself and take then through your interview process. Decide can assist as needed. Whether it is outreach or scheduling interviews.

• Make offer

Tell the candidate what is great about your company, the great projects you have and close the deal with them.

Have some question or want more information? Email or Contact us!

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