Low -code tools are enabling IT departments to accelerate their digital transformations. Low-code tools also allow smaller organizations to quickly create apps and automations to keep them competitive. Web or mobile applications developed with low-code allow companies to take repetitive, time-consuming tasks away from you and automate it.
Whether it is a new system that you are after, or an extension of something current or just moving data, low-code platforms support it all. They provide integration with multiple systems and interfaces. At Decide Consulting, we cooperate with our low-code tools and carefully select the ones to solve your problem.
Low-code platforms apply and automate the same technologies to take time-consuming tasks away from developers and software engineer, to let them focus on core systems. Traditional software delivery is backlogged and expensive. A company needs a large return to justify the investment. Low-code solutions are fast, visual and dynamic. Solutions can go-live in weeks, not months. This is why the low-code market is growing fast. According to Forrester Research, low-code usage will increase 40% a year. Low-code tools will be an essential part of IT strategy for years.
Decide Consulting can help with:
- Choosing the right low-code platform
- Building your low-code UIs
- Build your low-code interfaces
- Help you choose which business processes to solve with low-code
- Build low-code standards and Centers of Excellence
Let’s talk more about how Decide Consulting can help your organization with low-code. Fill in the Contact form or schedule a meeting now.