Roles we Recruit: CMS Administrator/Developer
CMS Administrator/Developer Job Description:
The CMS Administrator/Developer contributes to the overall wellbeing of your website content. They can build, refresh and maintain the content displayed for your customers to always have an engaging experience. Their dexterity to shape the website theme consistently throughout all of its pages defines their work. Your company’s content management systems will be properly configured through their proactive spirit with an extra knack for deliverability.
A CMS Administrator/Developer improves any web space that are touched by their handiwork. They are the painter of websites, making each page better stroke by stroke. By joining forces with the graphic designers from your company, they successfully help your company reach its objectives with regards to the positive experience of customers. Quality assurance is basically their second name for all your digital products by debugging and preventing any issues.
CMS Administrator/Developer Key skills:
- CMS experience, FTP/SFTP, database structure
- WordPress, Drupal, MODx, Joomla
- Plugins
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
- Detail oriented, SEO practices
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop, Microsoft Office
- apache web server; cPanel, AWstats
- Windows administration, UNIX platforms, VMware configuration
CMS Administrator/Developer Salary:
- Top 15%: $114,750
- Middle: $81,250
- Bottom 15%: $68,500