Roles we Recruit: Data Scientist

Data Scientist Job Description:

The Data Scientist is the professional with an extensive knowledge of statistics and understanding of complex data models. They are key in solving any issues based on observing patterns and checking trends in any type of data. It can be both structured or unstructured, a Data Analyst applies various techniques to get to the bottom of the business requirements. They synthesise data through mathematical algorithms and can provide you with insightful information to take action on area of focus.

A Data Scientist knows how to transmit data related information into easy to understand material for the other stakeholders. Their sharpness when it comes to data gets them to find significant insight and deliver it to the appropriate parties. They apply quantitative methods which result in finding solutions in a faster and more structured way. Conversely, they give shape to analysis, by interpreting them to the business audience. Their work helps to improve your company’s processes and products directly by managing predictive analysis.

Data Scientist Key Skills:

  • Quantitative analysis, Analytics experience, Machine Learning
  • Python, SAS, C, C++, Java
  • Hadoop, Hive, Pig, HDFS, HBase, MapReduce, D3, Apache Spark
  • Multiple regression, bayesian statistics, random forests, time-series models (ARIMA), and multiple-equation models (2SLS)
  • Cluster Analysis, Neural Networks, Non-parametric Methods, Multivariate Statistics, Reliability Models, Markov Models
  • BIRT, JasperReport, Pentaho, SpagoBI, KNIME, ReportServer, D3.js
  • SAS, SPSS, R, Matlab, Octave, Julia
  • Statistical Applications (Weka, SAS, Tableau), SQL scripts
  • UNIX, Linux
  • Verbal and written communication

Data Scientist Salary:

  • Top 15%: $168,500
  • Middle: $119,500
  • Bottom 15%: $100,500