free Courses AI data scienceNow is a good time to start learning some skills for the next portion of your career. Here are some popular AI and Data Science courses offered by Udacity. These courses are all FREE. These are a little shorter than the typical Udacity degree, but they are still good quality.

The job market for AI and Data Science skills is going to be incredible over the next ten years. IF you are wanting to take advantage of this growing market, these course are a great FREE way to get going.

Udacity offers several “nanodegrees”. A nanodegree is a combination of 2-4 courses. Each course designed to be completed in about a month of part-time effort. They are reasonably priced. Prices range from $1000 – just over $2K. They are offering some discounts during the COVID period. It is a good time to expand your knowledge base and prepare for the next round of information technology projects.

Intro to Data Science
The Introduction to Data Science class will survey the foundational topics in data science, namely: Data Manipulation, Data Analysis with Statistics and Machine Learning, Data Communication with Information Visualization and Data at Scale — Working with Big Data. The class will focus on breadth and present the topics briefly instead of focusing on a single topic in depth. This will give you the opportunity to sample and apply the basic techniques of data science. Learn more.

Machine Learning for Trading
This course introduces students to the real world challenges of implementing machine learning based trading strategies including the algorithmic steps from information gathering to market orders. The focus is on how to apply probabilistic machine learning approaches to trading decisions. We consider statistical approaches like linear regression, KNN and regression trees and how to apply them to actual stock trading situations. Learn more.

Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning
Closely related to pattern recognition, Unsupervised Learning is about analyzing data and looking for patterns. It is an extremely powerful tool for identifying structure in data. This course focuses on how you can use Unsupervised Learning approaches — including randomized optimization, clustering, and feature selection and transformation — to find structure in unlabeled data. Learn more.

Real-Time Analytics with Apache Storm
The world is trending in real time! Learn from Twitter to scalably process tweets, or any big data stream, in real-time to drive d3 visualizations using Apache Storm, the “Hadoop of Real Time.” Storm is free, open source, and fun to use! Learn from Karthik Ramasamy, Technical Lead of Storm@Twitter, about the distributed, fault-tolerant, and flexible technology used to power Twitter’s real-time data flow pipeline. Twitter open sourced Storm in 2011, and it graduated to a top-level Apache project in September, 2014. Learn more.

Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes
Mastering highly resilient and scalable infrastructure management is very important, because the modern expectation is that your favorite sites will be up 24/7, and that they will roll out new features frequently and without disruption of the service. Achieving this requires tools that allow you to ensure speed of development, infrastructure stability and ability to scale. Students with backgrounds in Operations or Development who are interested in managing container based infrastructure with Kubernetes are recommended to enroll! Learn more.

Secure and Private AI
This free course will introduce you to three cutting-edge technologies for privacy-preserving AI: Federated Learning, Differential Privacy, and Encrypted Computation. You will learn how to use the newest privacy-preserving technologies, such as OpenMined’s PySyft. PySyft extends Deep Learning tools—such as PyTorch—with the cryptographic and distributed technologies necessary to safely and securely train AI models on distributed private data. Learn more.

Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms
Technical interviews follow a pattern. If you know the pattern, you’ll be a step ahead of the competition. This course will introduce you to common data structures and algorithms in Python. You’ll review frequently-asked technical interview questions and learn how to structure your responses. Learn more.

Intro to HTML and CSS
Throughout this course, you’ll learn about the underlying structure of the web – HTML. You’ll learn how to use this tree-like structure to create websites. You’ll also learn how to apply styling to a website through CSS. You’ll learn about CSS syntax, selectors, and units. Along the way, you’ll also learn about code editors and a browser’s Developer Tools. Learn more.