We hear it every day. We hear it from software developers, project managers and infrastructure people. Most IT people do not like IT recruiters. They view them as a necessary evil. There are some common reasons why we hear it:
- Most IT recruiters are just looking for a few key phrases in your resume.
- Many IT recruiters have no clue about how the technology works. For example, they get that a lot of .NET developers have Angular on their resume, but they have no idea how the two fit together.
- Several IT staffing companies hire very inexperienced people as IT recruiters. If you are a 10 year IT veteran, exactly how much confidence do you have in someone like this to find a good project for you?
At Decide Consulting, we have a slightly different model that makes for a better IT recruiter, a happier client and a better experience for the IT professional.
Why It’s Good to be an IT Recruiter at Decide
Management is rooted in technology, not sales – Decide Consulting is founded by veteran software developers, not salespeople. How is this better? The management team has regular whiteboard sessions with the recruiting staff. Technology gets explained. Our recruiters are not ready to go out and program, but they have seen code and routers. Our IT recruiters know more because they have been taught more. When we do a qualification call with one of our clients, we constantly hear – “That’s a good question. I haven’t been asked that before.”
Our IT Recruiters are paid more – Decide Consulting values the recruiting process and has a compensation package that ref
lects that. The compensation plan exceeds any other we know of in Houston. We are not looking for a team of inexperienced kids who know some buzzwords. We are looking for recruiters who can help develop career paths and make sure IT professionals find interesting work where they can make a difference. Our compensation package encourages nurturing the IT professional’s career path. Does the fact they are paid more mean we charge our clients more? No. In fact, it is probably less. There are no layers of middle management at Decide.
Our IT recruiters have proprietary tools – We provide our IT recruiters with the regular tools of the trade, but we give them some proprietary tools and methodologies to introduce them to more people. This is what happens when you have a technology-oriented management.
Our IT recruiters are not micromanaged – They are good at what they do, given the tools to succeed and turned loose. No one fills out call logs or has to bring in people to fill a quota. They still have to find quality people for our clients, but they are able to do this more efficiently.
Our IT recruiters have flexibility – Recruiting is not an 8-5 job. If they need a day off, they take it. If they need to see a school play or go to a doctor visit, they do so. Decide has a very different vacation model for or IT recruiters. If they need time off, they take it. They work hard and are focused when they do work. They have a balance without anyone looking over their shoulder.
A collaborative environment – Recruiting, sales and management all have the same vision, core values and goals. We want our clients to succeed. Finding the right people for them contributes to that success. The Decide Consulting environment encourages collaboration and teamwork between recruiting and sales. We have heard horror stories about some environments where recruiters are “stealing candidates” from each other and some recruiters “hide” well qualified people from the rest of the team. At Decide, we just see that as silly. It hurts the client and the IT professional and creates an acrimonious environment. That is not good for anyone.
Decide Consulting is a software and IT Staffing firm based in Houston, TX. Founded by veteran software consultants, Decide has developed proprietary methods for finding problem-solving IT personnel. Our Software products focus on the Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) and Healthcare markets.