infographic - How to Know if a Corporate Culture is Right

What to Do When You Have Two Strong Tech Candidates
How to Know if a Corporate Culture is Right for You

The Décor of the Office Space
– Is it Bland or Hip?

What does the Website Say?
– When was it last updates?
– What do they talk about?

What does the News and Social Media say?
– Are they on Social Media? Is it asctive?
– Any news about them?

How are the People Dressed?
– Suits and ties or casual?
– slacks or jeans?

Is there food around?
– Vending machines or something healthy?

Question the Employees Yourself

Need Tech Talent

Are you finding it harder to locate the good technical and IT talent? Many companies find them selves in the same situation. There are some better ways to locate and attract the right it and technical people to your company. Contact us to learn more.