How to Keep Your IT and Tech Talent – Starting on Day One

The information technology industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and it is really competitive. You need the right man for the right job in this department and hiring the best of the best is not the easiest or cheapest ordeal for a company. Another important factor is talent retention, which may be more valuable for the firm than it is initially thought to be. If you find quality technical people, you need to make an effort to keep them. That effort should start on their first day. When you talk about web developers, tech [...]

How to Keep and Attract the Top Tech Talent

There is a growing demand for people with IT and technical skills. Companies need to plan ways to keep and attract the best technical talent. One doesn’t have to be the most informed person in the world to realize the following: Demand for Tech talent will continue to rise The cost of Tech talent will rise accordingly There are numerous studies of CIOs citing their concerns over attracting and retaining tech talent Jobs for software developers alone could increase up to 17% over the next 10 years Big Data and Security talent are expected to grow as fast, if not [...]