4 Questions to Identify a Team Player for Software Development – Updated

“As we are experiencing the ‘Great Resignation’, many people are re-evaluating what they want in a job and where they are doing it. Companies are trying to keep up with the trends as well. We are updating one of our past entries with some additional information related to current hiring trends.” Team players are better than lone wolfs when it comes to software development. No one individual will be able to code, test, release, prototype, etc. We need teams of people to get this done. Good team players make an organization better. Bad team members can cost thousands, if [...]

Signs Your Key People are Leaving

Are you worried about losing your star technical talent leaving? Given the burgeoning pace at which the IT industry is developing, managers are constantly confronted with the possibility of their key people leaving the organization to pursue better opportunities. In this article, we are going to talk about the top signs that your employee is going to quit and what you can do about it. Let’s get started. 1. Increased Absenteeism A high absenteeism rate is a major sign that an employee is planning to quit. If you notice your star talent taking a casual leave in the middle of [...]

How to Have a Successful Onboarding Process for IT People

According to recent statistics, the unemployment rate for IT and technology workers has been hovering around 2%. IT and tech companies have to do everything in their capacity to keep the people they have. The need for data scientists, .NET developers, and security analysts is growing exponentially. IT careers are the most flourishing and lucrative professions in 2019, and they’re only going to get better in the coming years. IT and technology professionals are highly sought after because it’s very hard to replace them. Let’s take software engineers as an example. Their daily tasks include designing and testing software [...]

7 Secrets to Managing and Hiring Gen Z

By 2023, it is expected that Generation Z will make up approximately 20% of the global workforce. Generation Z, those born between 1990 and 1999, is beginning to enter into the Information Technology field at a surprising speed. With the ever-expanding IT industry, the demand for professionals is increasing and it is only a matter of time before the companies will encounter a poignant skill gap. For the IT companies, this can become a tough situation. The recruitment, training, and managing of Generation Z will be difficult for the IT managers. It is evident that Gen Z is a [...]

What Motivates Tech People More Than Money

Money matters. It matters a lot. It is often the reason we switch jobs. Money is not the only thing that keeps you IT people motivated to stay at their jobs. It is widely presumed that money is the ultimate motivation for better performance. It is seen as the source of job satisfaction. The settlement may work for some time, but it cannot be sustained in the longer run. Employees are unlikely to acquire job satisfaction if they are solely motivated by good pay scale offered by the company. There are some other elements that play an important role [...]