Job Boards Are Less Effective for IT and Technology Related Jobs

There was a time when job boards were all the rage for job seekers. All you had to do was to post your résumé on a job board and wait for employers and recruiters to view it. You could also easily apply for a job opening you were interested in. But today, finding jobs is a completely different ball game. The time has drastically changed.   Job boards lost their effectiveness once social media took the world by storm. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter is what job seekers prefer to use these days to network their way to the relevant [...]

What to Do When You Have Two Strong Tech Candidates

First off, congratulations to the IT managers of SMBs! You are fortunate to have found two tech candidates that are willing to work for you. Many companies are struggling to find one these days. Here are some tips when you have two strong tech candidates and how to make the best decision. One of the responsibilities of modern IT managers today is to find the right tech talent if there are any open positions on your tech team. This process of hunting down the best tech talent out there is not as easy as it seems. Choosing the right [...]