Why do You Want to Work Here [Infographic]

Answering “Why do You Want to Work Here?” Sub Topics: Talk about the Culture Talk about the Company History Talk about the Current Projects Talk about Your Personal Goals Do Some Research https://decideconsulting.com/answering-why-do-you-want-to-work-here/

Answering: Why do you want to Work here?

Choosing a company to work for is not easy. Most people usually settle for big names without much research because they don’t care as much about building their careers as much as they love money. However, a very common question that comes up in an interview is, “Why do you want to work here?” To answer this question you will most likely need more than a cursory knowledge of the company and its history. If the company is famous, almost everyone will know of its story and success. However, if it’s a small company, if you know more than the [...]