What a 3.8% Unemployment Rate Means to Tech Talent

The unemployment rate for IT and tech talent is 2.1 to 2.4 percent lower than the regular unemployment rate in the country. This indicates that the unemployment rate for IT and tech talent hovers around 1.4 to 1.7 percent. It’s a good sign. It shows that the job market for IT and tech talent is prosperous. There’s only 1.4 to 1.7 percent of tech talent in the country that is waiting to be employed. This high demand is exactly the reason as to why it has become so challenging to hunt down competent tech talent these days. The bad [...]

7 Questions You Should Ask IT Staffing Companies [INFOGRAPHIC]

7 Questions You Should Ask IT Staffing Companies How long have you been in business? - You do not want them making mistakes with you What local companies have you worked for? - Get references Have you searched for this type of role before? - Do they understand what you need? What are your fees? - Get this upfront - Will they offer different terms? Is there anything wrong with our job description? - Very few Job Descriptions are perfect as is. Good IT Recruiters always have something to change Where are your recruiters located? - It is hard [...]

10 Things IT and Tech Managers Hate about Recruiters

Most CIOs, CTOs and IT managers dislike IT and Tech Recruiters. They have good reasons to. While the good ones can make life better for the CIO, CTO and IT Manger, the bad ones make life annoying.  Unfortunately many IT and tech recruiters focus more on quantity over quality, which makes the CIO, CTO and IT manger pay the price. Ten Things Tech Managers Hate in Software and Technology Recruiters While a great recruiter might have a few flaws that drive you a bit crazy, hopefully most of your dealings with them help you improve the process of finding [...]

How to do a Better Technical Interview [INFOGRAPHIC]

TITLE How to do a Better Technical Interview TRAP – focusing on Technical Trivia - Know the bits and bytes is good - Doesn’t mean know what to do TRAP - - Do they do things like we do - There is maybe more than one way to solve a problem Do they get the big picture? Ask them to explain the business purpose of a project? What were they trying to solve? Can they see beyond the technology? Do they see options? Ask them why a project was designed or architected a certain way. What other options were [...]

10 Things to do to Prepare for an IT job Interview [INFOGRAPHIC]

Title: 10 Things to do to Prepare for an IT job Interview 1. Do Your Research – find out about the company 2. Arrive On Time 3. Do Some Homework – who are you interviewing with? Find them on LinkedIn. 4. Behave Professionally 5. Be Honest 6. Show Respect to the Interviewers 7. Talk About Different Issues and Topics – Show you are more than bits and bytes. 8. Choose a Proper Attire 9. Focus More on Your Friendly Side 10. Bring Extra Resumes and Other Necessary Documents https://decideconsulting.com/10-things-prepare-interview/