plan technology career path

Information technology is one of the most dynamic and fast-evolving career fields. If you’re someone who loves working with computers and complex codes, then a career in IT is an excellent choice. A job in IT or technology is incredibly rewarding, as it is the most lucrative careers of 2019.  If you want to join technical support or become a software developer, you can easily find a job in IT.

IT, technology workers and software developers make up 3% of the workforce in the USA. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the same fields have created 15% of new jobs in the last 18 months. Many big names like Google, Apple. Inc, and Microsoft Inc. are hiring professional software engineers in the wake of exploding data. These jobs are only going to double in the next tenure.

If you’ve decided to step into IT and technology, then your career is flourishing and will continue to do so. But, before you take this great step, knowing your focus and area of specialization is crucial. And, here are some helpful ideas to get you started.

1.    Figure Out What You Like

Before you think about a career in IT, make a list of your interests in technology. Are you into software development or working for the infrastructure? What kind of user interfaces are you familiar with, and would you like to focus more on creative pieces?

If you think your strength is data access and APIs, then you can work to build web applications. If you have a good command on cloud, then you can try becoming a data scientist. Alternatively, if your forte is infrastructure, then data centers are a good place to start. You can also work in management systems to get hands-on experience in software. Your job should suit your IT major, so pick one that is easy to specialize in.

The variety of technical fields is endless. What you have to do is figure out your interest, and have a good look at the big picture. Instead of thinking about a high-paying field, think about what your IT strengths are. Slowly, work your way down to the small, practical steps you can take to become a professional.

2.    Talk to Someone Who Has Been There

Your next step is to look for an experienced professional in the focused IT field— someone who has good years of experience under their belt and can guide you properly. If you can’t find IT experts in your area, check out LinkedIn. It is a wonderful platform for friendly professionals who can direct you in your line of career.

Seek out random connections on LinkedIn, add them, and inquire about IT careers. Get in touch with tech-entrepreneurs. At best, look for a company or industry that you aspire to get in. Contact their managers or employees who are willing to share their wisdom with you.

Your career is incomplete without the guidance from people who are already working in IT. It is a mark of professionalism to seek their leadership to succeed in your specific career. When you have mentors to tell you what certificates and experience you need, you will grow in your career.

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3.    Find a Recruiter that Works in Your Area

The best option is to find a well-known recruiter in your region. They will have knowledge about the local demands of IT careers. After you’ve had a chat with professionals, talk to employers who have been recruiting for 1 or 2 years.

You can learn a lot from them. Recruiters will guide you on what skills they search for in each candidate. For every IT field, there are certain core skills that make a candidate desirable. An .NET developer, for example, should be well-versed in programming languages. A data scientist should have experience with cloud-based systems. A security analyst should have a command on coding languages. He/she should also present proposals about information security with clarity.

Recruiters can offer a lot of insight for your IT career path. They end up talking to more people and more companies about tech-jobs than most people. With ample experience, they can give you a wealth of information about various IT fields. Your job is to take advantage of that. Ask them about the IT market trends and the future of technology. They are far-sighted and know a lot about where the market is headed.

4.    Define Some Goals for Yourself

Start your journey by establishing some goals for yourself. You may not be that experienced or professional in your IT field. A good idea is to learn some new skills. Browse the web, look for some tech-related courses, and seek knowledge.

A career in IT most definitely requires you to learn programming languages. Get to know web-based languages like Java, AngularJS, and Bootstrap. Join a coding camp and practice how to design them. Learn how to improve coding scripts and eliminate bugs to improve applications.

It could just be as simple as reading a book on programming or management systems. You can even join an IT school like ITT to polish your skills. Here, you can employ the wisdom you learnt from your mentors and recruiters.

5.    Set Timelines

And lastly, set timelines for yourself. You don’t have to pressurize yourself and learn all the skills in one night. Your goals should have a fixed deadline. Learn one IT skill at a time, practice it, and become an expert. Then move on to the next area of knowledge.

With realistic timelines about how long it’ll take you to get there, you can plan your entire career. Adding any education or skill in your resume along the way will also become easier.

No doubt, the need for IT and technology experts is rising. And, it’s only going to expand into different industries in the coming years. Focus on the above-listed things to know before getting an IT job. With an exponential increase in data and IoT services, companies want IT professionals. The industry is always welcoming new people.

Whether you’re a fresh graduate or wish to switch to an IT career, you can find a lucrative job in technology. Be persistent, invest your resources into learning high-demand IT skills, and work hard. Your efforts will pay off financially and give you a rewarding career very soon.

Need Tech Talent

Are you finding it harder to locate the good technical and IT talent? Many companies find them selves in the same situation. There are some better ways to locate and attract the right it and technical people to your company. Contact us to learn more.