Improving University EHSThe mission of EHS for world class universities is to provide and support comprehensive environmental, health and safety programs and services in support of the university’s mission of teaching, research and service.  Developing an EHS culture helps attract top professors and administrators to the university.  Decide Consulting is now bringing their EHS software expertise to education institutions with its DecisionEHS practice.

DecisionEHS is Decide Consulting’s EHS Process and Audit software review.  During the DecisionEHS process, we review:

  • All EHS software data sources
  • Reporting inputs and outputs
  • Make detailed recommendations based upon our findings.
  • All of this at optimal price point and minimal commitment from your organization.

Read More: Three EHS KPIs That You Are Probably Not Tracking >>
Read More: The ROI on EHS Systems is Better Than You Think >>
Read More: Top 10 Problems EHS organizations have with Software >>
Read More: What to look for in an EHS Management system >>

Recently, an SEC school engaged Decide Consulting to perform a DecisionEHS workshop with certain representatives of the EHS and Financial Affairs departments.  The university wanted to invite a perspective from outside into the ongoing research and analysis of EHS processes and systems.  The observations all seemed to strike common themes that were widespread among colleges and universities.

  • Biological, chemical and radioactive materials were tracked with different systems and processes, making it difficult to answer where a particular material was being stored and if it was properly being handled.
  • Recordable incidents and near misses investigated using separate departmental databases.
  • Findings from audits and investigations rated for risk using different metrics with no central means of prioritizing actions.
  • No integration points to other campus systems that manage enrollment, space inventory (labs and classrooms), faculty and other master data lists maintained by existing campus systems.

Through DecisionEHS, Decide was able to develop a comprehensive plan to address these issues focused on centralizing data and developing next level KPIs to truly measure risk across the university.

To hear more about how DecisionEHS can help your institution build a EHS culture through technology contact us.