Cannot find Dot Net DevelopersIT staffing and recruiting nowadays has become extremely competitive. Organizations are looking for nothing less than the best talent, and have expanded their hiring routines to make way for the talent. As part of their search, they have incorporated a lot of new and innovative methods for reaching out to the best IT talent. Microsoft .NET is a the full technology stack selected by many companies. Go figure, demand for .NET people has steadily grown.

With all this, .NET Developers are becoming harder to find.  Companies are struggling to figure out why they used to be able to find .NET developers more easily a few years back compared to 2018. Here are some reasons why your hiring process could be going haywire, and what you need to do about it, for hiring more .NET Developers.

What exactly does .NET mean to you?

To hire the best talent, you need to understand what to look for in the right candidate. .NET has expanded by light years during recent years, and we now have a lot of skills and talents drafted under this definition. You need to understand these talents and identify whether your candidate should have them or not. A proper candidate would display proficiency in all of these skills, and would help bring the recognition that you want to achieve through them.

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.NET has now expanded way past the framework that previously governed jobs related to it, and now has many new industries and frameworks related to it. The Entity Framework, .NET Core, UWP, .NET Standard and Mono all add up to the legacy .Net framework that you have wrongly defined in your dictionary.

The languages required for the job have also changed, and it is necessary to understand what you expect from the right candidate. Cut straight down to the chase, and be specific over the characteristics and traits that you’re looking for. Saying you want a .NET developer is comparable to saying you want to eat a Pig. While you may actually want to have bacon, you might get served pig’s feet, sugarcoated to look like bacon. As much as it is important to screen the hiring process, having thorough sessions for drafting a list of responsibilities and duties are also important and should not be compromised.

Your Hiring Process is long

Oh well, you believe your hiring process is really well defined, but in reality, it is just very exhaustive and long. In this day and age of automation, each and every talent out there is being approached by multiple companies. Every company has their eyes on the best talent out there, and no one wants to miss out on one. You might really be screening the individual, but in fact someone else with a quick process in store might have already hired them. Hence, it is important to know that a staffing firm could help you with this process.

IT staffing partners know how important it is for you to get the right candidate in a quick manner. They don’t let you lag behind in the process and hope you get the success you expect from the endeavors. Most companies extend the hiring process for as long as they possibly can to know more about the candidate, but eventually end up losing out on them. Other companies might have a faster hiring process, and the talent you are looking for eventually gets attracted to them. In such situations it is best to have a look at the candidates and screen them as quickly as possible.

Your Projects are So Last Year

You might be looking for progressive candidates, but they will never join your ranks if they find out that you are still working on projects from the days gone by. Developers realize the rapidly changing nature of their industry, so they want to work in a setting, where they are in touch with what’s going on around the market.

If a person is keeping up with the changing times, they wouldn’t be very interested in maintaining your C# Window services or integrating with COM components. The question you need to ask yourself  is whether your business is keeping in touch with all the new tools and happenings across the globe. If no, then chances are that this is the reason why most candidates are rejecting your offer. In such cases try to take the rejection as a deeper sign for change and incorporate the necessary changes within your systems. Pay heed to the request for change, and don’t let it hang around.

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Not Selling Them the Brand

Every company has a unique brand or a set of benefits that they should sell to their candidates during the course of the hiring process, but are you doing so? If you’re not selling your brand properly, you might not get the response that you expect from the candidates.

Create a list of things that you know are unique are about your organization, and that everyone applying to your organization should know of. With this list of items in front of you, you can actually start letting candidates know of them during the hiring process. Educate them about how they can benefit from joining your organization. Make them want to join you, and be a part of what you stand for. Tell them the perks of working here, and make sure that they understand all the benefits that you give and provide.

With good work done on addressing the points we mentioned above, you can finally start hiring the right .NET developer in the market.

 Are you finding it harder to locate the good technical and IT talent? Many companies find them selves in the same situation. There are some better ways to locate and attract the right it and technical people to your company. Contact us to learn more.