The development of technology and that of contemporary society as a whole has had a profound effect on living standards and the psyche of people. Due to this, the ambiance of the workplace has changed. The dynamics that defined a good place to work about a decade ago have drastically changed, largely because of the aspirations of potential employees. These “millennials” (people born from 1980-2000) want more from their IT company than money. So what do millennials want in a Tech company? Here are some answers to attract millennials:
1. To Be Part Of Something:
We all want to have a sense of purpose; to be a part of something that is more than a corporate beast. A company that inspires its staff to work harder through motivational speeches, corporate dinners and training workshops makes its employees feel like their existence in the workplace is appreciated, and this sense of purpose can inspire Millennials towards efficiency in a way that no amount of money can.
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2. Member of a “Tribe”
The feeling of a family, when promoted in an office, can create a comfortable, friendly environment inside the workplace, which, in turn, greatly increases the efficiency of its employees.
3. Interesting Work
It’s the 21st century. Our expectations and our aspirations differ from those of our elders. We no longer want to go to boring jobs that pay well; instead, they would opt for a more dynamic occupation, which is in line with their interests and skill-sets. A company that offers unorthodox employment, unlike conventional nine to five jobs that involve sitting and gazing at the computer screen the entire day ones, is more appealing to millennials, who are in it not for the money, but because of their aptitude. It is no surprise how 50% of millennials would not mind a pay cut for
a job that matches their skill set.
4. Make A Difference
More than 90%of the millennials in a survey claimed that they wanted to use their skills to do good. Another survey shows that 75% of millennials feel corporate businesses are concerned about their agendas and profits, showing no concern for the society. It becomes clear from these numbers that the contemporary generation wants to work for a company which not only boosts their career but is also philanthropic.
5. Money
It is pure human nature to want to work for a company that has a good pay package. Money is, understandably, an obvious factor which plays an integral role in a healthy, respectable lifestyle; however, money is not everything, at least for most Generation Y millennials.
It is evident that the expectations of millennials when it comes to their employment package are different from what they were a couple of decades ago. Organizations need to strongly consider this factor if they want to hire industrious, competitive workers, who can greatly improve the business’s standing in local and global markets.
Decide Consulting is a software and IT Staffing firm based in Houston, TX. Founded by veteran software consultants, Decide has developed proprietary methods for finding problem-solving IT personnel. Our Software products focus on the Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) and Healthcare markets.